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What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them...all at once? Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren't love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she's written. One for every boy she's ever loved--five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes...
Lara Jean guarda sus cartas de amor en una caja. No son cartas que le hayan enviado, las ha escrito ella, una por cada chico de los que se ha enamorado. En ellas se muestra tal cual es, porque sabe que nadie las leerá.
Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They are not love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she has written. One for every boy she has ever loved, five in all. When she writes, she...
To all the boys I've loved before volume 2
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OBD Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May) - Youth
OBD YA Romance - YOUTH
That's on Netflix
YA Romantic Comedies
OBD YA Romance - YOUTH
That's on Netflix
YA Romantic Comedies
"Lara Jean didn't expect to really fall for Peter. She and Peter were just pretending. Except suddenly they weren't. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever. When another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean's feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once?"--
Lara Jean no esperaba enamorarse. Mucho menos enamorarse en serio de Peter. Al principio era una fantasa. Pero de pronto, ya no es solo eso, y ahora Lara Jean est̀ muy confundida. Otro chico del pasado vuelve a su vida y lo que sent a por ̌l tambain resurge. ¿Puede una chica estar enamorada de dos chicos a la vez?
To all the boys I've loved before volume 3
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Cozy Winter Reads (WPL-ADULT)
GEPL YA Staff Picks
OBD Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May) - Youth
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GEPL YA Staff Picks
OBD Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May) - Youth
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As high school ends, Lara Jean looks forward to her father's remarriage and seeing her sister, but she must choose a college, prepare to leave home, and possibly leave her beloved Peter behind.
Grandes cambios se avecinan para Lara Jean. Ahora que ha conseguido el amor y la vida que soñaba, debe escoger una universidad. Eso puede significar cambiar de ciudad para perseguir el futuro que desea, o quedarse y mantener lo que ya tiene. Es una decisión demasiado importante Cuando tu cabeza y tu corazón te llevan en direcciones diferentes, ¿a cuál de ellos sigues? Emociónate con la inolvidable conclusión de A todos los chicos de los que...
To all the boys I've loved before volume 1
What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them...all at once? Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren't love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she's written. One for every boy she's ever loved--five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes...
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