Charlotte Perkins Gilman
1) Herland
A must-read for fans of utopian science fiction, Herland describes a society comprised solely of female inhabitants. The residents of the isolated community have perfected a form of asexual reproduction, and have constructed a society that is free from all of the ills associated with Western culture, including war, strife, conflict, cruelty, and even pollution. Written by renowned feminist thinker Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland
...Early feminist author and advocate Charlotte Perkins Gilman is today best remembered for the haunting short story The Yellow Wallpaper, which recounts the female protagonist's descent into madness. In addition to her prodigious body of fictional work, Gilman wrote a great deal of non-fiction, including scholarly and persuasive essays about equality and the female condition. This long-form essay details the misogyny that was pervasive in
...Early feminist author Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a pioneer not only in the realm of women's fiction, but also in a remarkable array of other ventures, including publishing, journalism, sociological research, and social reform advocacy. Like many of her works, including the gripping and oft-anthologized tale The Yellow Wallpaper, the novel What Diantha Did deals with the challenges facing women in nineteenth-century society. In this
...Charlotte Perkins Gilman gained much of her fame with lectures on women's issues, ethics, labor, human rights, and social reform. She often referred to these themes in her fiction. She is best remembered for her 1892 short story "The Yellow Wallpaper," based on her own bout with severe depression and misguided medical treatment.