Franz Kafka
2) El proceso
6) Amerika
Karl Rossman has been banished by his parents to America, following a family scandal. There, with unquenchable optimism, he throws himself into the strange experiences that lie before him as he slowly makes his way into the interior of the great continent.
Although Kafka's first novel (begun in 1911 and never finished), can be read as a menacing allegory of modern life, it is also infused with a quite un-Kafkaesque blitheness and sunniness,
9) La condena
The Metamorphosis is a novel by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed into a monstrous insect-like creature. This is not a horror story, but it is the story of the horror of a man who, asleep in bed in the family home, wakes to find that overnight he has turned into a beetle. He retains the mind and soul of a man but in his repulsive form the family
...12) El desaparecido
Texto de iniciación en un doble sentido: con El desaparecido, Franz Kafka comienza su camino en la narrativa a gran escala y en la escritura "verdadera", que acaba de ejercitar en su breve relato "La condena". También para su protagonista empieza una nueva vida en un nuevo territorio, el continente americano. Quien quiera entender la narrativa de Kafka, verá en este libro el inicio de temas, constructos, estilos y espacios que predicen lo que