Isabel Allende
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After the death of her beloved grandfather, nineteen-year-old Maya Vidal, turning to drugs, alcohol, and petty crimes, becomes trapped in a war between assassins, the police, the FBI, and Interpol, until her grandmother helps her escape to the remote island of Chiloé, off coast of Chile where she tries to make sense of her life. Maya, a young American on the run records in her diary her adjustment to a new country, her drug problems, her romantic...
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2023 Read Widely: Central & South America
Cozy Reads for Chilly Nights
Hot Cocoa Reads
Warm and Cozy Reads
Cozy Reads for Chilly Nights
Hot Cocoa Reads
Warm and Cozy Reads
"In the Midst of Winter begins with a minor traffic accident--which becomes the catalyst for an unexpected and moving love story between two people who thought they were deep into the winter of their lives. Richard Bowmaster--a 60-year-old human rights scholar--hits the car of Evelyn Ortega--a young, undocumented immigrant from Guatemala--in the middle of a snowstorm in Brooklyn. What at first seems just a small inconvenience takes an unforeseen and...
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In 1939, as Poland falls under the shadow of the Nazis, young Alma Belasco's parents send her away to live in safety with an aunt and uncle in their opulent mansion in San Francisco. There, as the rest of the world goes to war, she encounters Ichimei Fukuda, the quiet and gentle son of the family's Japanese gardener. Unnoticed by those around them, a tender love affair begins to blossom. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the two are cruelly...
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2023 Read Widely: Central & South America
2023 Summer Reading - Read Around the Globe
43rd Street Book Club | 2022
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2023 Summer Reading - Read Around the Globe
43rd Street Book Club | 2022
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Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first girl in a family with five boisterous sons. From the start, her life is marked by extraordinary events, for the ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth. Through her father's prescience, the family will come through that crisis unscathed, only to face a new one as the Great...
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"Though they are as different as night and day, Indiana and Amanda Jackson have always shared a strong, mother-daughter bond. Beautiful and free-spirited, Indiana is a holistic healer. Teenage Amanda is a natural sleuth fascinated by the dark side of human nature--like her father, the SFPD's deputy chief of homicide. She also loves playing Ripper, an online mystery game. When a serial killer strikes San Francisco, the young amateur detective plunges...
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AMPL National Hispanic Heritage
2023 Read Widely: Central & South America
2023 Read Widely: Travel & Stories on Multiple Continents
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2023 Read Widely: Central & South America
2023 Read Widely: Travel & Stories on Multiple Continents
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"In the late 1930s, civil war gripped Spain. When General Franco and his Fascists succeed in overthrowing the government, hundreds of thousands are forced to flee in a treacherous journey over the mountains to the French border. Among them is Roser, a pregnant young widow, who finds her life irreversibly intertwined with that of Victor Dalmau, an army doctor and the brother of her deceased love. In order to survive, the two must unite in a marriage...
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"This powerful and moving novel from the New York Times bestselling author of A Long Petal of the Sea weaves together past and present, tracing the ripple effects of war and immigration on one child in Europe in 1938 and another in the United States in 2019. Vienna, 1938. Samuel Adler was six years old when his father disappeared during Kristallnacht--the night their family lost everything. Samuel's mother secured a spot for him on the last Kindertransport...
Everyman's library volume 281
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AMPL National Hispanic Heritage
Adult - Hispanic Heritage Month
ARC - Book Set in a Country You've Never Been To
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Adult - Hispanic Heritage Month
ARC - Book Set in a Country You've Never Been To
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"The unforgettable first novel that established Isabel Allende as one of the world's most gifted and imaginative storytellers. The House of the Spirits brings to life the triumphs and tragedies of three generations of the Trueba family. The patriarch Esteban is a volatile, proud man whose voracious pursuit of political power is tempered only by his love for his delicate wife, Clara, a woman with a mystical connection to the spirit world. When their...
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The daughter of an African mother she never knew and a white sailor, Zarit - known as Tt - was born a slave on the island of Saint-Domingue. Growing up amid brutality and fear, Tt found solace in the traditional rhythms of African drums and the mysteries of voodoo. Her life changes when twenty-year-old Toulouse Valmorain arrives on the island in 1770 to run his father's plantation, Saint Lazare. Overwhelmed by the challenges of his responsibilities...
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AMPL National Hispanic Heritage
2023 FPPL Latine/Hispanic Heritage Month Reading List
HPL Hispanic Heritage Month 2024
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2023 FPPL Latine/Hispanic Heritage Month Reading List
HPL Hispanic Heritage Month 2024
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Raised in the British colony of Valparaíso, Chile, English orphan Eliza Sommers meets and falls in love with the wildly inappropriate Joaquín Andieta, a lowly clerk with ambitious dreams. When gold is discovered in the hills of northern California, Chileans, including Joaquín, head north to seek their fortune. Eliza, pregnant with Joaquín's child, leaves behind everything she knows to follow her lover. In the rough-and-tumble world of San Francisco,...
11) Violeta
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La pica y emocionante historia de una mujer cuya vida abarca los momentos histricos ms relevantes del siglo XX.Desde 1920 -con la llamada gripe espaola- hasta la pandemia de 2020, la vida de Violeta ser mucho ms que la historia de un siglo.Violeta viene al mundo un tormentoso da de 1920, siendo la primera nia de una familia de cinco bulliciosos hermanos. Desde el principio su vida estar marcada por acontecimientos extraordinarios, pues todava se sienten...
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When I say that I was a feminist in kindergarten, I am not exaggerating. As a child, Isabel Allende watched her mother, abandoned by her husband, provide for her three small children. As a young woman coming of age in the late 1960s, she rode the first wave of feminism. She has seen what has been accomplished by the movement in the course of her lifetime. And over the course of three marriages, she has learned how to grow as a woman while having a...
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La primera novela de Isabel Allende, La casa de los esp̕ritus narra la saga de una poderosa familia de terratenientes latinoamericanos, ahora en una edición especial con motivo de su 40 aniversario, y con nuevo prólogo de su autora. El despótico patriarca Esteban Trueba ha construido con mano de hierro un imperio privado que empieza a tambalearse con el paso del tiempo y un entorno social explosivo. Finalmente, la decadencia personal del patriarca...
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"A los veintidós años, sospechando que tenían el tiempo contado, Ichimei y Alma se atragantaron de amor para consumirlo entero, pero mientras más intentaban agotarlo, más imprudente era el deseo, y quien diga que todo fuego se apaga solo tarde o temprano, se equivoca: hap pasiones que son incendios hasta que las ahoga el destino de un zarpazo y aun así quedan brasas calientes listas para arder apenas se les da oxígeno."--page [4] of cover.
Isabel Allende parte de la célebre cita de Albert Camus -"en medio del invierno aprendí por fin que había en mí un verano invencible"- para urdir una trama que presenta la geografía humana de unos personajes propios de la América de hoy que se hallan "en el más profundo invierno de sus vidas": una chilena, una joven guatemalteca indocumentada y un maduro norteamericano. Los tres sobreviven a un terrible temporal de nieve que cae en pleno invierno...
16) Paula
Paula is a soul-baring memoir, which, like a novel of suspense, one reads without drawing a breath. The point of departure for these moving pages is a tragic personal experience. In December 1991, Isabel Allende's daughter, Paula, became gravely ill and shortly thereafter fell into a coma. During months in the hospital, the author began to write the story of her family for her unconscious daughter. In the telling, bizarre ancestors appear before our...
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Traza el efecto domin̤ de la guerra y la inmigraci̤n en dos nįos: Samuel, de cinco ąos, cuya madre lo mete en un tren Kindertransport desde la Austria ocupada por los nazis a Inglaterra en 1938, y Anita, de siete ąos, que aborda otro tren ocho ďcadas m̀s tarde a los EE.UU., donde se separa de su madre.
Traces the ripple effects of war and immigration on two children--five-year-old Samuel, whose mother puts him on a Kindertransport train out...
In this memoir, Isabel Allende reconstructs the painful reality of her own life in the wake of tragic loss--the death of her daughter, Paula. Recalling the past thirteen years from the daily letters the author and her mother, who lives in Chile, wrote to each other, Allende ... recounts the stories of the wildly eccentric, strong-minded, and eclectic tribe she gathers around her that becomes a new kind of family. Throughout, Allende shares her thoughts...
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"Recounted in the voice of a young woman in search of her roots, Portrait in Sepia is a novel about memory and family secrets. Aurora del Valle suffers a brutal trauma that shapes her character and erases from her mind all recollection of the first five years of her life. Raised by her ambitious grandmother, the regal and commanding Paulina del Valle, she grows up in a privileged environment, free of the limitations that circumscribe the lives of...